Finally, the Himalayas

For the last 22 years I’ve heard about the awe-inspiring beauty of the Himalayas. In fact, Alex’s account of his 1999 trek in these iconic mountains inspired this 50th birthday adventure to Nepal. Even before we left for the trip, he was already researching options to recreate at least a portion of the route that he traveled in 1999. Within a few days of reaching Kathmandu, we met with a guide and had mapped out an epic 21-day adventure for April. When Alex’s dad got sicker and we knew we’d be heading back to Portland early, Alex strongly encouraged me to stay behind for a couple of weeks to experience the mountains for myself. I was reluctant for many reasons, but ultimately I agreed. And I’m so grateful that I did!

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A Visit to the Little Known Nepali Jungle

They’ve got you surrounded. The signs are everywhere: fresh tracks in the mud, 1/2” deep claw marks on a tree, a pile of scat; and yet they elude you. You walk to the river, stopping when you hear the alarm call of the barking deer, you walk some more, you might sit for hours. You do this day after day hoping to catch a glimpse of one of Bardia National Park’s Big 3: the
Asian elephant, Greater one-horn rhinocerous and Bengal tiger. And then it happens!

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